Monday, March 7, 2016

Gregory Porter's new single is an open letter to his son

Disclosure collaborator and celebrity hat enthusiast Gregory Porter is back with a new single, Don't Lose Your Head Of Steam, from his new album, Take Me To The Alley.

Channelling the sound and spirit of Bill Withers, it's a generous, heartwarming message to his three-year-old son, Demyan: "Boy I didn't make it too far / But baby you are / The family star / I'll tighten your seams / Don't lose your head in dreams."

It's a more soulful, commercial track than he's produced before - hence its premiere on Chris Evans' breakfast show this morning.

"This song is about my son, and the energy and the legacy I want to give him, to have him carry on throughout his life," he explained. "You try to plant some good seeds and hope that goodness grows."

Not that the Sacramento-born musician is having any parenting nightmares, describing his son as "a pretty good cat".

"He's already very musical. He beats on everything which is why we give him drumsticks, but tape socks to the head of them. Most of the furniture has been ruined already."

Listen below to the album version and a jazzier, more expansive live take.

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