Friday, April 15, 2005

Babies, Prostitutes, Arson, Self-doubt and Hitchikers

Britney and Kevin have got some pre-natal reading material - including "Parenting Magazine", whose readers think Britney is too young to be a mother. Too young? She's 24 - which is approximately double the age of most trailer-trash moms.
  • MTV News: Parents disapprove of Britney's pregancy

    Contact Music reports that Alicia Keys took up the piano to avoid becoming a prostitute.
    Because those are the only two options you would have.
  • Keys determined not to be a prostitute

    Arnold Schwarzenegger has some unique parenting skills. If his kids don't wash their clothes, he sets fire to them (the clothes, that is, not the children)
  • Arnie’s all fired up over dirty clothes

    You can see how being married to Brad Pitt would make you question your talent, hair, worth as a member of the human race. But imagine if, on top of all that, you were Jennifer Aniston. Poor love.
  • Aniston says marriage to Pitt made her feel insecure

    Oh, and don't forget to pop along to Empire Online to get your voucher for a free preview screening of the"Hitchikers Guide" movie. You can exchange it for tickets at Vue cinemas across the galaxy from today!
  • Empire Online: Readers Screening

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