My ipod is depressed

I've been trying to pack the little white box full of happy, upbeat songs. But when I turn on 'shuffle', it keeps tracking down the world's most melancholy records.
Last night, it came up with the following miscellany of misery:
Gary Jules - Mad World
Death Cab For Cutie - A Lack Of Colour
Radiohead - No Surprises
Janet Jackson - Lonely
Beatles - You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
Massive Attack - Protection
REM - It's The End Of The World As We Know it
To finish it all off, it played Dire Strait's Romeo and Juliet. I hate Dire Straits, and that song in particular. I can only assume the ipod has become suicidal and, in an attempt to make me break it into tiny i-pieces, the machine has somehow loaded the song of its own accord!
Then I remembered this article suggesting that ipods can make you have musical hallucinations.
Oh My God! Am I even hearing these songs for real? Am I imaginging them because, subconciously, I'm depressed on some level? Or, more worryingly, are Apple using their special electronic trickery to take control of my mind?
Luckily, before I became too paranoid, the ipod woke me up this morning with Sir Mix-A-Lot's "Baby Got Back". I do like big butts, and I cannot lie. The world has been restored to it's natural order.
I think.