The sit-com is back from the dead (again) claims the New Yorker. Try telling that to anyone who's sat through Scrubs, Weeds or Two-and-a-half Men recently.
Get your MP3's on:
1) Mr Red Penguin has Mylo and the Arctic Monkeys from last week's Jools Holland
2) Sufjan Stevens and Arcade Fire sessions over at The Torture Garden
3) Fluxblog have the double-whammy of Girls Aloud's superb new single Biology and the classic Dolly Parton Baby I'm Burning (as they suggest, mix it with the White Stripes "My Doorbell" next time you DJ. It rocks).
Rate Celebrity plastic surgery if you dare.
How Stuff Works have posted an article on Nintendo's revolutionary wireless pointy, clicky, wave-it-about-your-heady game controller. It's mostly guess-work, but quite informative nonetheless.

Finally, Mike "Austin Powers" Myers is directly responsible for 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?'. Are there any crimes against comedy he isn't guilty of?Labels: arcade fire, arctic monkeys, Dolly Parton, Games, Girls Aloud, mike myers, Music, Nintendo, Sufjan Stevens, TV