"Homoeroticism is fantastic"

Anyway, extracurricular 'activities' apart, Will has been speaking to the Guardian (actually, he spoke to them last week but we managed to miss it somehow). The following bit of the article excites us greatly:
Will Young is in a pop quandary. He has been asked to record a Christmas song for Radio 2, which, being an obliging sort, he's happy to do. The problem is that he's no longer the tame Pop Idol winner who could be counted on to do his bit for the collective jollity. "I hate Christmas songs," he says passionately. "I don't want to do something naff."
His publicist, one of the small retinue who are accompanying him on a day of TV and radio promotion, says, half-seriously, "What about Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now, by the Smiths?" He raises his eyebrows. "How does it go?" The publicist happens to have it on her iPod, which she hands over. It doesn't take more than 30 seconds of Morrissey in solipsistic yowl for Young to be converted. He passes back the iPod, all stubbly smiles. And so, unless his management objects, Young's contribution to Radio 2's Yuletide output will be Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now."
What fantastic news. Will Young is our new favourite popstar.
So why not download his new single*, Switch it on, then watch the promo clip and think to yourself "surely this is the gayest video of all time".
(*But you will, of course, buy it in the shops next week as well.)
Labels: Music, will young