Ho-hum. It's been a quiet week, and it doesn't seem like it'll get much more interesting. In the meantime, here's some stuff off of the internets.
First up, a picture of Rachel Bilson from the OC. She's drinking milk, but there's a slightly guilty look in her eye. Perhaps its not really milk but a white Russian.
Or, worse still, macrobiotic yoghurt.
What's it like to see yourself projected onto a film screen as an 80 foot gorilla? Andy Serkis reveals all to comingsoon.net. (NB: you lose points if your answer was "kinda neat".)
Is Nintendo Mad?!?!?!? screams gamesindustry.biz. Apparently hardcore gamers are laughing at the Japanese company because their next console will only be as powerful as the old Xbox. But, as gamesindustry.biz points out, it all "depends on whether you consider it insane for a company to launch a product with low manufacturing costs, easy software development, high margins and strong brands and franchises backing it, at a price significantly lower than its rivals can compete with."
We'll know by next Christmas.
Boooo!!! Jennifer Aniston didn't burn her wedding dress, after all.
Hooray!!! ABC might be buying Arrested Development out of it's cancellation misery.
Finally, have you ever wondered what Police Academy 'star' Steve Guttenburg is doing these days? "Why do I need to do anything?" he asked the Metro newspaper, "I’m rich."
"Do you want me to be poor again? Do you want me to go back to making tomato soup out of ketchup and water? Or would you like me to be a multimillionaire and be rewarded for all the entertainment I gave you for all those years?"
No, Steve, we'd like you to be locked up in Azkaban for all the misery you caused us for all those years.Labels: film, jennifer aniston, links, Nintendo, TV