On this day in history...

Three years ago today, a good many people gathered in the inhospitable fens of Northern England to witness a marital union of legendary importance. On that fateful afternoon 1,096 days ago, a certain Ms Berry became mrsdiscopop, and I became... erm, her husband.
In recognition of our leather wedding anniversary (oooh, baby) I thought I'd post some of the songs we chose for our wedding day. Hope you don't mind:

Magnetic Fields - The Book Of Love

Lena Fiagbe - What's It Like To Be Beautiful?
We have the good fortune to have a large set of musically gifted friends, so both of these songs were re-created especially for us on the day. An acoustic version of the Magnetic Fields track accompanied us while we signed the wedding register. But rather than doing any of that important legal stuff, we sang along with big stupid grins on our faces.
What's It Like To Be Beautiful, on the other hand, was our first dance - and it was given a hearty thrashing by my old band The Global Local Baboon Orchestra. Not that we saw any of their performance. We were contractually obliged to twirl around the dancefloor for four of the longest minutes of my life in a stilted and un-rehearsed version of Come Dancing for idiots.
Anyway, both songs are underappreciated works of genius, and I heartily recommend them for your own nuptials.
We also walked up the aisle to the B52's Rock Lobster. Whether or not you choose to recreate that magical moment is entirely up to you.