Some distracting materials from the internet!!!1
Because Fridays are all about mucking around on the web and waiting for the moment you can run out the office door and go to the pub. Don't forget your jacket.
The Spice Girls are (still) back! They have all put on something black and lined up in front of a man with a camera, who pressed a button and took a photo, which he sent to their record label, who asked the Spice Girls to approve it, which they did, and then the proof was scanned and given to a press person, who sent it to journalists, who put in on the internet. And then I copied it and pasted it here. Look:

While appearing on Conan O'Brien's US chat show to promote his new comedy I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry, Adam Sandler was asked to introduce a clip from his new movie. Conan then played a scene from a gay porn film, featuring men who get off on fattening each other up. Nice:
Play your favourite 1980s aracde game here. Paperboy is still a work of unfettered genuius.
Uberblog Pop Star Poetry imagines Ray Winstone meeting up with Amy Winehouse:
To The Ivy for lunch
With Quentin Tarantino
We rap about political
Subtext in The Beano
Onetime discopop fantasy figure Mary Louise Parker bares (almost) all to promote the upcoming season of Weeds. But is that really her bottom?

"Angelina Jolie is the best woman in the world because she is the most famous woman in the world". Esquire magazine writes the worst celebrity profile in the world.
Listen to the fantastic remix of Justin Timberlake's Lovestoned by dance supremos Justice. A gazillion better times better than the original, I swear.
Take a look at this clickable map of Lindsay Lohan's slow-motion self-destruction and ask yourself the following question: "Is this the future of interactive reporting, or just sickening voyeurism?"
What are Tom and Katie doing in this photo?

With Quentin Tarantino
We rap about political
Subtext in The Beano

Labels: amy winehouse, angelina jolie, Games, Justin Timberlake, Katie Holmes, links, spice girls, Tom Cruise, TV, video