Friday, September 7, 2007

Jennifer Lopez - Do It Well video

J.Lo has always struck me as a low-rent Beyoncé. She works with all the right people, she makes all the right moves, she has an amazing bottom - yet the results are always a little underwhelming.

Perhaps its because her songs have very little to say (I'm from "the block"! I just want to be me! I'm a little bit Puerto Rican!); perhaps its because she's never been able to settle on a style (pop, R&B, eurodance, hip-hop - take your pick); or perhaps it's because her music never quite matches the expectation of her stellar reputation.

But what she gets right, almost without fail, is her videos. Lopez can dance like a whirling dervish, and her choreography is faultless. Put simply, there is a grace and ease that is never present in her try-hard songs.

It doesn't hurt that Jennifer Lopez is also quite photogenic.

Her latest clip is no exception to the rule - ho hum song, eye-tickling visuals. It is called Do It Well and here it is:

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