Out of this world

At one end of the scale you get The Feeling who make perfectly appealing little pop songs without ever breaking open the box marked "sonic adventure" (erm, isn't that a computer game? - confused ed). At the other end of the scale is Bjork, who sounds like a lion having sex with a motorbike.
Bravely bridging the two disciplines of songcraft and making bizarre noises is French musicamentalist Camille. You may recognise her as one of the singers from easy listening covers band Nouvelle Vague, but she also had a super solo album called Le Fil in 2006.
She's gearing up to release her third solo effort, Music Hole, in March. But we have a taster, Money Note, which is what Daft Punk would sound like if they were a barbershop quartet.
:: Camille - Money Note
:: Camille - Money Note (alternative link)
PS: You should also watch this amazing clip of Camille live on youtube (youtube)