It's still number one... Sort of

How did I find out about this momentous recording? Because I had just finished buying a sandwich in BBC Television Centre when I turned round and walked into Mark Owen and his hat.
As often happens in these situations I thought, "I work here, I recognise this person's face, therefore I know this person". So I said hello. Mark very politely sang a greeting back to me. I like to think of it as our personal "moment".
Anyway, I stalked the band into studio 3 and watched them run through Greatest Day, which was suitably amazing. In between takes, Gary Barlow revealed he'd been "on t'internet" to look up how many times Take That had been on TOTP - a grand total of 67! The rest of the band were suitably incredulous at this figure. Mark suggested it included clips and repeats. Jason ventured that it included solo appearances by Robbie Williams - "which makes it sixty-six times for Robbie and one for us".
Anyway, the programme looks like it'll be a good'un. Duffy and McFly also performed, and the line-up is also supposed to include Girls Aloud and Leona Lewis. Hopefully, unlike the so-called "last ever" TOTP, they'll make it down to the studio, rather than replying on some ropey old taped performance.
Which makes me think: Maybe I should go and get another sandwich?
Labels: Music, take that, top of the pops, video