And the award for best choreography in a music video goes to...
Twin Sister for All Around And Away We Go!!!
[**cue spontaneous, rapturous applause**]
Twin Sister - All Around And Away We Go
Who are Twin Sister? Well, they're just another indie band from Brooklyn making fashionable kids' music with a vaguely poppy twist. They've released a handful of free EPs online over the last couple of years, then compiled them on a double CD and asked people to hand over money for it. It's like Robyn's Body Talk project without the broadsheet hyperbole and misfiring business plan.
Because they're all bohemian and louche and trendy, Twin Sister have actually managed to sell a few of these CDs to people who, like, totally dig their vibe. But then, it's a good vibe. Sort of disco, sort of funk, sort of DIY, sort of Cocteau Twins, sort of Lee Ryan*. Basically, you will look cool if you put it on at a party. Unless it's the birthday party of a 13-year-old JLS fan, in which case you'll look like a dick.
You can find out more about Twin Sister on their official website where, yes, all of those songs are still available for free. How do they eat?
* Okay, maybe not.
[**cue spontaneous, rapturous applause**]
Who are Twin Sister? Well, they're just another indie band from Brooklyn making fashionable kids' music with a vaguely poppy twist. They've released a handful of free EPs online over the last couple of years, then compiled them on a double CD and asked people to hand over money for it. It's like Robyn's Body Talk project without the broadsheet hyperbole and misfiring business plan.
Because they're all bohemian and louche and trendy, Twin Sister have actually managed to sell a few of these CDs to people who, like, totally dig their vibe. But then, it's a good vibe. Sort of disco, sort of funk, sort of DIY, sort of Cocteau Twins, sort of Lee Ryan*. Basically, you will look cool if you put it on at a party. Unless it's the birthday party of a 13-year-old JLS fan, in which case you'll look like a dick.
You can find out more about Twin Sister on their official website where, yes, all of those songs are still available for free. How do they eat?
* Okay, maybe not.
Labels: links, MP3, Music, twin sister, video