Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wolves and Foxes: An apology

It has come to my attention that previous articles about ice-cool electropop artists Foxes (left) and Wolfette (right) have revolved around a series of childish and tedious animal puns. I would like to take this opportunity to apologise without reservation for this lapse in judgement.

In the future, any music by Foxes or Wolfette will be presented without suggesting that the artists in question habitually raid bins and tear sheep apart with their bare teeth. Nor do they howl at the moon, except when artistically appropriate.

Here are their new videos, both of which are aarrrrrooooooooooeally good.


Wolfette (Canidae Canini)- Risk For You

Foxes (Candidae Vulpini) - White Coats

Out of interest: Which do you prefer? Which is the Katy Perry and which is the Jessie J? And are predatory carnivores this year's dubstep?

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