Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Video: Grimes - California

"The things they see in me, I cannot see myself
When you get bored of me, I'll be back on the shelf.

California is a disconcertingly upbeat song that functions as a "hate track" about the music industry. In particular, it's aimed at the indie music blogs who, Grimes told Sirius Radio, constantly mis-represent her as "sad" and "insecure" and not in control of her own career.

So let's be clear. This is not a sad song. It's defiant and angry and resilient - even if it's wrapped up in a sugar-sweet melody and lilting dancehall beat.

"It’s sonically as uncool as I could make it. Kind of a hoedown vibe," Grimes told The New Yorker. "Kind of a hoedown vibe.

"I took a couple of shots of tequila and did it—and ended up crying, alone, later in the night."

The video, which premiered last night, conveys none of that angst - with Grimes dancing in a sculptor's studio, performing on stage in Rhinestones and frolicking in a dayglo gymnasium. It also features a re-recorded version of the song, which takes a more circuitous route to the climax than the original but is all the better for it.

Grimes explained on Twitter that the footage was "dissonant" with the original track, forcing her to record an alternate version. Now that's dedication.

And after all that waffle, here is the video itself.

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