Wednesday, October 12, 2005

My mother will be so, so angry

  • Hooray! The Sultans of Ping (FC) are back! If you have no idea what we're talking about, Mr Red Penguin's MP3 Heaven will fill you in.

  • As Christmas approaches, all the record companies are repackaging albums as 'special editions' in the hope of squeezing out a few extra sales. What this usually means is a badly photoshopped cover (oooh, the background is red now but it used to be blue) and a few crappy remixes / live performances on a bonus CD. Ho-hum.

    Gwen Stefani's "Love Angel Music Baby" is no exception. Even though the CD we've got already claims to be a special edition, there's a new version on its way. It's only worth mentioning because the new cover is actually rather fabulous. You can see a little bit of it to your left - click on the picture to enlarge.

  • US anti-video games campaigner / attorney / lunatic, Jack Thompson, is offering games companies $10,000 to make a game based on his own specifications.

    You play a father whose son is beaten to death by a teenage gaming addict. To complete the game, you must systematically destroy the gaming industry; initially by smashing up arcades, and finally by going to the industry's annual expo in California and slaughtering hundreds of computer game executives. No, really.

    Quite what this is supposed to achieve is unclear. The implication seems to be that no-one will make the game because, secretly, the industry knows it encourages mass homicide and a kid could actually re-enact these vicious murders if he were to play it.

    You have to admire the man's twisted logic, really.

  • Kate Bush fans are an odd sort. Her new album cover looks like it's got a soundwave on it, and people have been trying to work out if it contains a 'hidden message'. The lead suggestion, according to is "We paint penguins pink".

    One clever soul has grabbed the soundwave into an audio editing application to see if he can uncover the secret. He can't. It sounds like a mildly disturbed bat having a strenuous poo.

    But if there's going to be a message, we'd like it to be that.

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