is spilling the beans on Xbox 360's launch titles. The information comes direct from some anonymous man at Microsoft, so it must be true. Rather excitingly, Goldeneye creators
Rare are responsible for two of the games that'll ship with the new console. Even better is the announcement that one of those launch games is the sequel to N64 classic, Perfect Dark. Perfect Dark Zero, long-rumoured and now confirmed, will apparently feature
"a warehouse full of chuffing great guns". Overall, the number of launch titles for the 360 suggests that Microsoft are planning a vicious assault on Sony's stranglehold of the console market. In particular, they've ramped up the number of non-shooting, non-driving titles in an attempt to crack Japan (where the Xbox came a poor third to PS2 and the Gamecube). The tactic seems to be working already - with Japanese websites suggesting that
developers are abandoning Sony in droves. Ooo-er.
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