Best Albums of 2005?
Metacritic has helpfully compiled the ultimate 'albums of the year' list by collating all the major music magazines reviews and ratings from 2005.
Of course, the list is only really helpful in pointing out what albums you should avoid buying in the January sales. Unless you want to become an boring, introspective musical snob.
Out of the top 30, we'd only seriously recommend five of these records (MIA, Sufjan Stevens, Fiona Apple, Kanye West, Sigur Ros). And each of those albums is definitely an acquired taste.
So, if you can wait for a day or two, we'll be publishing the totally unbiased discopop directory list of the best singles and albums from 2005 very shortly. Using no critical judgement at all, our list will be based solely on the number of times we've listened to records in Discopop towers, even if we're embarassed to admit it.
Stay tuned.
Of course, the list is only really helpful in pointing out what albums you should avoid buying in the January sales. Unless you want to become an boring, introspective musical snob.
Out of the top 30, we'd only seriously recommend five of these records (MIA, Sufjan Stevens, Fiona Apple, Kanye West, Sigur Ros). And each of those albums is definitely an acquired taste.
So, if you can wait for a day or two, we'll be publishing the totally unbiased discopop directory list of the best singles and albums from 2005 very shortly. Using no critical judgement at all, our list will be based solely on the number of times we've listened to records in Discopop towers, even if we're embarassed to admit it.
Stay tuned.
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