Sexy new band alert!

The band in question is The Management - or MGMT for short - and thankfully they are not a Hale and Pace tribute act (for younger readers, Hale and Pace were the 1980s equivalent of Alan Carr and Justin Lee Collins, only without the facial hair and subtlety).
Formed at Wesleyan University, which is apparently in Connecticut, the band cut their teeth playing the theme tune to Ghostbusters. Not just once, mind you, but over and over again for the duration of their live set.
With that achievement under their belt, they started to write their own music - hitting on a euphoric pop formula which is equal parts Rolling Stones and Hot Chip. Unlike Hot Chip, however, their vocals are not performed by Charlie Brown.
MGMT's debut single, Time To Pretend, is about their fantasies of becoming famous, taking drugs and divorcing models:
We've got the vision, now let's have some fun.
Yeah it's overwhelming, but what else can we do?
Get jobs in offices and wake up for the morning commute?
Given their prominence on several critics' ones-to-watch lists for 2008, those fantasies show early promise of coming true. Somebody might even stump up the cash to pay for a video which doesn't consist of images ripped off from the BBC's Planet Earth programme.
Download the single for free from the band's website.