MP3 Frenzy: Natalie Imbruglia B-Sides

Natalie Imbruglia's Greatest Hits album is out this week and, judging by the midweek charts, its going to go top 10 on Sunday. Which is good news, considering the single stiffed at number 24.
The album comes with a DVD (swoon), and four largely useless "bonus" tracks. Because a 10-song best of would be a bit of a rip-off, but the addition of a few songs you will never listen to again in your life makes it all better.
If you ask me (and I can't understand why Sony didn't call), Imbruglia should have included some of her B-sides instead of the new tunes. There are several surprisingly good off-cuts from her three albums so far, many of which deserve further listening… So, here they are:
Download Natalie Imbruglia: B-Sides, which comes in a mixture of MP3 and M4a (iTunes) formats.
1) Something Better
2) I've Been Watching You
3) Shikaiya (For Billy)
4) Cold Air
5) Hide Behind The Sun
6) That Girl
7) Identify
8) Why
9) Diving In The Deep End
10) Tomorrow Morning
Labels: MP3, Music, natalie imbruglia