Monday, May 25, 2009
Sound of the summer?
Sure, your chalk and cheese personalities will cause terrible misunderstandings and barbed banter along the way - but have you considered that when you eventually, inevitably fall for each other, you'll need a song to play over the closing credits?
Well, here is that song. And it's a belter.
with apologies to John Cusack, Rob Reiner and anyone else involved with The Sure Thing
Labels: golden silvers, Music, video
Saturday, May 23, 2009
New Regina Spektor video: Laughing With
Before you watch, I need to tell you three things:
1) Listen to the words
2) Listen to the words
3) Listen to the words
I can't tell you much about it now, but I've just spent half an hour with the lovely Ms Spektor, talking about her new album, her choice of producers (Jeff Lynne, Jacknife Lee, Mike Elizondo), putting on school plays and what her piano teacher thinks of her new material... It's all under wraps until the album comes out in June, but I can tell you this for free: Regina has the most amazing, aqua blue eyes you've ever seen (unless you've seen my wife's - I've been instructed to say).
The interview is, of course, is for my "real job" at the BBC but I'll try to get permission to put the DVD Extras up on the blog next month.
PS: The Regina fansite seems to be down at the moment... The video should reappear once they do.
Labels: Music, regina spektor, video
Friday, May 22, 2009
New Dragonette video: Fixin' To Thrill
We think you're brilliant - but are you sure that making a video in which you scalp children and kill their parents is going to ensure your longevity in the music industry during this period of fiscal uncertainty?
A concerned but largely unread music blog.
Labels: dragonette, Music, video
I'm In Love With A Robot
So here, in 2009, is Royksopp's version of my original song. They've made a few minor changes - the key, the chorus, the melody and the lyrics - but it's essentially the same.
Oh, and it's got Robyn in it.
Gig review: Ladyhawke at Koko, London

Growing up in New Zealand, she says, "I was so solitary. Other kids thought I was a weirdo". But interviewers have remakred that Brown exhibits few of the characteristic traits of Aperger's - "chatty, warm and sincere", is how the Independent put it.
In concert, she's certainly shy - head bowed, eyes obscured by her immaculately feathered fringe, and emitting a nervous giggle every time she addresses the audience. But whether this is a hallmark of her medical condition is up for debate. She's more communicative and dynamic than, say, Liam Gallagher...

Worse still, a specially-ordered mini orchestra (string quartet, brass section and baby grand piano) seem not to have been plugged into the mixing desk. All night long, they're bowing, plucking, blowing and puffing to no discernible effect.
But things slowly start to improve as the crowd pick up the pop baton and run with it, chanting along to the buoyant choruses of Better Than Sunday, Dusk Til Dawn and Paris Is Burning. The energy gets beamed back to the stage, where a Tango-fied cover of Britney's Womanizer and b-side Danny and Jenny bring the band, and Ladyhawke herself, to life.

But we wanted more - a performer who could lob all that energy back into the crowd and set off some kind of musical adrenaline riot. Ladyhawke simply couldn't do that last night - but several gig veterans told me she'd improved tenfold since her last London date. So there's hope yet that she'll grow into a showwoman worthy of her gargantuan tunes.
Fingers (in sequinned gloves) crossed.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Kanye's new video stars Rihanna
Record label boss LA Reid showed off the video at a low-key event last night, and someone amazingly managed to sneak in a camera and film it. The following bootleg clip is a little shaky and fuzzy, but you get the idea.
Music snob uberblog Stereogum reckons they'll have the real thing in a couple of days if you want to watch it in full High Def pornovision, or whatever they call it now.
Labels: kanye west, links, Music, rihanna, video
Dolly Rockers: Good or evil?

I don't know what to say about the Dolly Rockers.
Their single, Je Suis Une Dolly, is mega-annoying. Imagine Jeremy Clarkson and Germaine Greer standing over your bed debating the merits of feminism while Timmy Mallet sounds a klaxon and flashes a laser pen in your eyes. It's more annoying than that.
On the other hand, the trio exude the same sort of deranged genius that made the Spice Girls so exciting back in 1996. When they auditioned for the X Factor last year, Sophie Dolly stared straight into the camera and deadpanned: "We live, sleep, eat, breathe and make toilet for the X Factor".
But the TV talent show wasn't big enough to contain the nascent popsters - and Louis "Potato" Walsh chose big haired no-hopers Bad Lashes and Girlband over the Dollies and their irrepresible, but potentially troublesome, sense of humour.
Step in EMI, who are helping to promote Je Suis Une Dolly, and have wisely decided not to interfere with the band's Red Bull-fuelled, DIY publicity campaign. The video, filmed on the fly on the streets of London, is bursting with personality (and not because the metropolitan police tried to beat them to death with truncheons). Have a look.
I suppose there's a sliver of hope that the song is a Wannabe-style trashy introduction to an effervescent (alco)pop phenomenon, but the involvement of Ray Hedges (B*Witched, Donny Tourette, Big Brovaz) hardly instils us with confidence.
This is a terrible shame, because the girls are madcap stars-in-waiting. Just listen to the interview they gave on Radio 1 yesterday morning. It's all over the place (picture Sarah Harding with caffeine injected into her eyeballs, to the power of three) but a thousand times better than any number of Leona Lewis corporate robot radio appearances.
Poor old Scott Mills, eh?
Labels: dolly rockers, Music, Radio, video
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Quirky female singer-songwriter news

Thankfully, Pitchfork reveals that one of the record's new songs, Folding Chair, "features Spektor doing an uncanny dolphin imitation". But just in case Spektor really has gone all serious and librariany on us, here's a suitable replacement...
She's called Lenka, and she's from Australia. You won't be surprised to hear that she used to be an actress (working on a TV drama is a form of national service in Oz) but now she lives in LA and has brought her acting skills to this unbearably cute video.
If this doesn't put a smile on your face, you are dead.
Labels: lenka, Music, regina spektor, video
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
New video: Florence and the Machine
I hope they tidied up the park once they'd finished.
Labels: florence and the machine, Music, video
Friday, May 15, 2009
Eminem vs Mos Def

So, I heard Eminem's new album for the first time the other day. It was like meeting up with the coolest kid from school, 10 years after graduation, and realising he'd never grown up: Still making dick jokes, still obsessed with slasher movies, and still angry at his mum. Even Dr Dre's beats sound stale and tired.
Eminem's problem is that he never got over the perception of himself as the rebel, the class clown, the good time party guy. Hell, he still insists on using his childhood nickname(s).
But here's the bad news, Marshall: The rest of us have moved on.
The shame is that, on Relapse's more reflective moments, there are hints that Mr Mathers has the potential to say something interesting about aging and confronting his demons - if only he had an emotional setting other than "angry young man".
"What's a beer?" he asks on Deja Vu. "That's a devil in my ear. I been sober a fucking year. And that fucker still talks to me, he's all I can fucking hear." From the man who had the insight to write Stan, this is a waste of breath. The suggestion that he still hasn't really come to terms with sobriety is only reinforced by the album's shopping list of pharmaceutical product names - Nyquil, Valium, Vicodin, Hydrocodone.
Anyway, I've got a bit carried away here. The reason I wanted to mention Relapse's mediocre retread of former glories was to contrast it to Mos Def's brilliant new single, Casa Bey.
Like recent releases by Common and Q-Tip, it harks back to the more melodic, jazz-tinged, Daisy Age era of hip-hop. The Sesame Street-esque video, which sees the "soul shockin, never stoppin, always keep the beat rockin" lyrics tumbling out of Def's mouth, is absolutely worth five minutes of your time.
From Bolshevism to... this?
Labels: eurovision, Music, tatu
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Trust us, the Jordin Sparks song is great
Anyway, here's the best-quality clip I could find (Edit: now updated thanks to Popjustice).
Best bit: Jordin does the robot at around 20secs.
The show airs on ITV2 tonight at 8pm.
Labels: American Idol, jordin sparks, Music, video
New music: Mr Hudson - Supernova.

But then, somehow, Kanye West "discovered" him and has groomed him into being a 21st Century robot superstar. Out goes the band's idiosyncratic "and the library" suffix, in comes autotune and bling.
It should be a recipe for disaster, a hideous clash of brash American braggadocio and subtle British sensitivity, but Kanye proved on 808s and Heartbreaks that he has a cuddly, sensitive side - and, it turns out, a lot of that was down to Ben Hudson's influence.
"I thought he had a great voice and his melodies. He just had a cool sensibility for hip-hop," West told Zane Lowe last night.
On Mr Hudson's new single, Supernova, West returns the favour - giving some much-needed oomph to the plaintive warbling. "It’s kick them in the nuts time," he jokes. He's not wrong. The song is huge.
Have a listen to the whole thing on the BBC iPlayer or check out this clip. Stick around to the very end. It just gets better and better.
The song is taken from Mr Hudson's second album, Straight No Chaser, which is out in August. Until then, there's a free mixtape up on his official website.
Update: Kanye West just posted a free MP3 of the song on his blog. How generous.
Labels: kanye west, MP3, mr hudson, Music
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
New Natalie Imbruglia: Apologise
Here, then, is a quite good new song from the quite good Natalie Imbruglia.
If you can tell me where she's nicked the chorus from, I'd be very grateful. It's driving me mad.
Labels: Music, natalie imbruglia
This will be number one on Sunday
Labels: black eyed peas, Music, video
Out Of Control tour: Round two

I dragged myself out on a completely frivolous / worthwhile 260-mile round trip to watch Girls Aloud's Out Of Control tour for a second time in Nottingham last night. I've already reviewed it once, so I won't bore you with the gory details - but here are some "important" points.
:: CALL THE TABLOIDS!!! Kimberley had a small cry during Broken Wings.
:: Cheryl's vocal "issues" from the Belfast gig have been completely resolved.
:: Rolling Back The Rivers In Time would have been a top 10 single.
:: The bit where the girls fly over the audience singing Untouchable is a proper pop moment.
:: Unless you're underneath the clear perspex platform upon which the girls are stood, when you get a rather gruesome gynaecological eyeful of "the aloud" (again, call the tabloids).
:: Nicola is on particularly fine vocal form this tour.
:: Whereas Nadine and Sarah seem to be having a competition to see who can ruin Call The Shots most by caterwauling inharmonious "improvisations" all over the top of it.
:: Nottingham's Trent FM Arena has all the acoustic finesse of a squash court in the Grand Canyon.
:: But this is possibly the best arena tour the band have ever staged.
And that is that is that.

Labels: Girls Aloud, Music, Review
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
A mixed bag of internet goodies

:: Terrible online waste of time pt 1: Play Scrabble against yourself, against the clock. The very definition of "okay, maybe just one more turn"... Go to
:: Overlooked synth-pop genii Dragonette have put a free MP3 of their new single on Myspace. The chorus is astounding, the rest is a bit of a mess.
:: There is a certain degree of pant-wetting about the new Sophie Ellis Bextor / Freemasons single from the sort of people who like Sophie Ellis Bextor and the Freemasons. I'm guessing a low top 10 chart placing when it comes out on 15th June.
:: Watch Little Boots play Stuck On Repeat for an embarassing uncle who's desperate to prove he's trendy, and his wife, who believes she is "in touch" with "the kids" because she's heard of Tetris. Cringeworthy.
:: Terrible online waste of time pt 2: Broken Picture Telephone. It's like Chinese whispers, on the internet, with pictures. In this game, for example, the phrase "Everyone gets punched in the face at the same time" became "an upset robot trapped on the train tracks breaks free", via a circuitous route involving the following picture:

:: Cat plays peek-a-boo.

:: Are these the Top 10 hidden album tracks of all time?? (Personally, I'd have put Janet Jackson's Strong Enough from The Velvet Rope in there, but what does my opinion count for??)
:: Have a quick peek at Where It's At - an online map that shows you famous locations from pop culture, from the real Hotel California to the parking lot that inspired Big Yellow Taxi. Needs a bit of work to add locations outside the US (Abbey Road isn't even on there!).
:: Rejoice! Flight Of The Conchords is back for its second series - starting on BBC Four tonight at 10:30pm. Set your Sky+ thing, cause it won't be on iPlayer.
Labels: film, flight of the conchords, Games, jordin sparks, links, little boots, Music, sophie ellis bextor, TV, video
Monday, May 11, 2009
Justin Timberlake: Motherlover
I'm-a be the syrup, she can be my waffle"
This will probably remain active on Youtube (youtube) for about five minutes. After that, you'll have to do your own google search (also ill-advised at work).
EDIT 14/05: Here's a working version. Long may it last.
Labels: Justin Timberlake, Music, video
Friday, May 8, 2009
Calvin Harris soundtracks new Coke ad
Somehow, I don't think Calvin Harris will have the same problem.
Labels: calvin harris, Music, video
Filthy Dukes send you messages
Filthy Dukes are big on the Camden "scene", running a club night and doing boogie-tastic remixes for yawnsome indie acts like The Maccabees. But don't hold that against them, because their album is a selection box of potential club anthems - the sort of thing that gets you sectioned for doing involuntary dance moves on the bus.
I interviewed the band for my "real job" earlier this week, and managed to discuss underpants, igloos and Lady Gaga. Read it here.
By the way, the vocals on Messages are by Swedish electropop musician Tommy Sparks. He's got the hooks and ebullience to be a male Robyn, and his "Love Rollercoaster"-indebted single She's Got Me Dancing is out this week.
The video is ridiculous. I defy you not to love it.
Labels: filthy dukes, links, Music, tommy sparks, video
Thursday, May 7, 2009
La Roux video premiere (link)

Anyway, those legions of new fans will be pleased to hear that:
a) New single Bulletproof is even better than the first one
b) The whole album is pretty frickin' marvellous
The problem with the whole La Roux "package", however, is that Elly Jackson doesn't really do anything. She's a bit awkward, a bit shy, and she just happens to make psychotically catchy rat-tat-tat electro pop records.
The question is, how do you sidestep this when it comes to making a promo video?
Easy: Put Elly on a treadmill (walking makes you look like you have drive and purpose) and CGI in some backgrounds you nicked from Tron (because its all, like, the 1980s, isn't it?)
The end result is a bit like a dystopian cyber-vision of Peter Kay's Show Me The Way To Amarillo... with added blusher.

Whether that's a good thing or not is entirely up to you.
You can watch the full thing on the Newsbeat website.
Gig review: A Camp at KCLSU

The sad truth of the music industry is that gold sinks and shit floats.
A Camp - Cardigans’ singer, Nina Persson, and her husband, Nathan Larson - should be selling out the Royal Albert Hall, not playing to a couple of hundred people in a student union bar. But, for reasons I cannot begin to fathom, here they are.
You can tell they're bigger than the venue by the swagger with which they take to the stage, launching into a swaggering rendition of The Crowning ("let's raise our glasses to murderous asses") with fists in the air and guitars aimed at the sky.

Live, Persson's voice is even stronger than on record, every quiver and fracture hinting at the ache of a broken heartstring - particularly when she sings that love is "poison hidden in a bon bon", on Stronger Than Jesus.
But its not all misery and pessimism. On My America and a handclap-heavy cover of Boys Keep Swinging the band prove they could chew up and spit out any number of lesser indie wannabes. Guitarist (and Benny Andersson lookalike) Niclas Frisk bounds around the stage like a kangaroo who's been force-fed mexican jumping beans, while Larson has an intriguing medieval ritual for swapping guitars with his roadie.

That her trousers are being held up with Duct Tape only adds to the strange allure.
If I had to hazard a guess as to why A Camp aren't packing out bigger venues, I'd say it has a lot to do with the sugar-coated heyday of the singer's former band ("They did that Romeo and Juliet film, didn't they," notes one audience member). But this is beautiful, timeless music and anyone with working ears should dive right in.
There's a nugget of gold at the bottom.
1. The Crowning
2. Love Has Left The Room
3. Frequent Flyer
4. Angel Of Sadness
5. Walking The Cow (Daniel Johnston cover)
6. Golden Teeth and Silver Medals
7. I've Done It Again (Grace Jones cover)
8. Bear On The Beach
9. I Signed The Line
10. Algebra
11. I Can Buy You
12. Chinatown
13. My America
14. Stronger Than Jesus
15. Song For The Leftovers
16. Boys Keep Swinging (David Bowie cover)
Further listening:
I Can Buy You - music video
("if you don't like this song, you don't like music" - Mark Radcliffe)
Boys Keep Swinging - Radio 2 acoustic session
Stonger Than Jesus - Live at the Swedish Grammis
Pictures courtesy of deejayhart on Flickr
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
So peaceful until...
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
New Maxwell single... No, wait. Come back!
But it seems Mr Swell has taken a long-enough break from his caravan of love to record some new music. A triple album, in fact, which will be released in three parts over the next three years.
The first single is (guess what?) a seductive slow jam by the name of Pretty Wings. It comes with a video by the highly-rated Philip Andelman (Beyoncé's Halo), which moves in front of your eyes at the press of a button below:
Friday, May 1, 2009
Gig review: Girls Aloud, Belfast
EEEahaAAaarrrghaaaaahh, it's CHERYL COLE!!!! This is the ear-splitting, banshee reaction every time Cheryl sings a note, waves at the crowd, strikes a pose, inhales, exhales, blinks, swallows or in any way shows signs of not being a mannequin.
One of these girls is not like the others...
The last time we saw this kind of reaction was for Victoria Beckham at the Spice Girls reunion gigs which, coincidentally, Girls Aloud have copied for their stage entrance, with dancing silhouettes of each member projected across the arena on five huge video screens. The band then emerge from under the stage on wobbly rising podiums to sing The Promise, high over the crowd in sparkling white Julien MacDonald ballgowns.
After last year's Tangled Up tour, we complained that the girls had become too polished, with none of their scrappy, girl-next-door-made-good charms. Well, that's back this year. In spades. Sarah falls on her bum in the middle of Miss You Bow Wow, and spends the rest of the song creased up in laughter, eventually bringing down Cheryl (aahahararah, Cheryl!) too.
Nadine, meanwhile, spends the entire evening goofing around and waving at her family, who've shown up at the Odyssey Arena to lend their support. At one point, she even appears to ask a member of the crowd if they want to sleep with her.
I probably dreamt that bit later.
Musically, the band are much improved, too, with an all-new brass section and a lean, dynamic sound. The appalling "rawk" guitar solos of last year are gone, and earth-rattling drums are the order of the day. Sexy! No, No, No... performed, robot-style, on a tiny stage in the middle of the arena, and mashed up with Rihanna's Disturbia, is particularly breathtaking.

Although, having said that, we giggled when Sarah changed the lyrics to James Morrison's MOR behemoth to "you can't play on broken swings".
Minor gripes aside, this is a top-class production, from the glitzy costumes to the non-stop gyro-dancing. With the girls due to go "on a break" after their Coldplay support slot in September, you'd be well-advised to catch it when it rolls into your town.

1. The Promise
2. Love Is The Key
3. Biology
4. Miss You Bow Wow
5. The Loving Kind
6. Waiting
7. Love Machine
8. Rolling Back The Rivers In Time
9. Untouchable
10. Sexy! No, No, No...
11. Broken Strings
12. Love Is Pain
13. Call The Shots
14. Revolution In The Head
15. Sound Of The Underground
16. Fix Me Up
17. Womanizer
18. Something Kinda Ooooh
19. Medley: The Show, Wake Me Up, Jump, No Good Advice, Can't Speak French
20. The Promise (Reprise)
Labels: Girls Aloud, Music, Review